19 research outputs found

    Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: current perspectives and trends in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the approaches and procedures used by Brazilian orthopedic surgeons for treating osteoarthrosis by means of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty and high tibial osteotomy of the knee. METHODS: A questionnaire with 14 closed questions was developed and applied to Brazilian knee surgeons during the three days of the 43rd Brazilian Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology. RESULTS: A total of 113 surgeons filled out the questionnaire completely and became part of the sample analyzed. In this study, the majority of the surgeons performed fewer than five unicompartmental knee arthroplasty procedures/year (61.1%) and between 5 and 15 high tibial osteotomy procedures/year (37.2%). Use of computerized navigation systems during surgery remains uncommon in our environment, since only 0.9% of the specialists were using it. 65.5% of the surgeons reported that they had chosen to use total knee arthroplasty rather than partial arthroplasty due to lack of familiarity with the surgical technique. When asked about the possibility that the number of unicompartmental prostheses used in Brazil would grow as surgeons in this country become increasingly familiar with the technique, 80.5% of the respondents believed in this hypothesis. In this sample, we found that the greater the surgeon's experience was, the greater the numbers of unicompartmental prostheses and tibial osteotomies performed annually were (r = 0.550 and r = 0.465, respectively; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: There is a clear evolutional trend towards treatment of unicompartmental osteoarthritis using partial knee arthroplasty in Brazil. However, further prospective controlled studies are needed in order to evaluate the clinical and scientific benefits of these trends.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as condutas e procedimentos realizados pelos cirurgiões de joelho do Brasil no tratamento da osteoartrose com artroplastia unicompartimental e osteotomia tibial alta do joelho. MÉTODOS: Um questionário de 14 questões fechadas foi elaborado e aplicado a cirurgiões brasileiros de joelho durante os três dias do 43º Congresso Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia. RESULTADOS: Um total de 113 cirurgiões de joelho preencheram completamente o questionário e fizeram parte da amostra analisada. Neste estudo, a maioria dos cirurgiões realizava menos de cinco artroplastias unicompartimentais do joelho/ano (61,1%) e entre cinco e 15 osteotomias tibiais altas/ano (37,2%). A utilização de navegação computadorizada no intraoperatório é ainda infrequente em nosso meio, sendo realizada por apenas 0,9% dos especialistas. A opção pelo uso da artroplastia total do joelho em detrimento da parcial devido à falta de familiaridade com a técnica cirúrgica foi relatada por 65,5% dos cirurgiões. Quando arguidos sobre a possibilidade de crescimento no número de próteses unicompartimentais no Brasil com o aumento da familiaridade com a técnica pelos cirurgiões do País, 80,5% dos entrevistados responderam que acreditam nesta hipótese. Nesta amostra, constatamos que quanto maior a experiência do cirurgião maior o número de próteses unicompartimentais e osteotomias tibiais realizadas anualmente (r = 0,550 e r = 0,465, respectivamente, e p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: Existem claras tendências em evolução no tratamento da osteoartrose unicompartimental com artroplastia parcial do joelho no Brasil. No entanto, mais estudos prospectivos controlados são necessários para avaliar o benefício clínico e científico destas tendências.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Centro de Traumatologia do EsporteUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Centro de Traumatologia do EsporteUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaSciEL


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The primary aim of this study was to assess the clinical and functional evolution of patients with total-thickness symptomatic cartilaginous injury of the patellar joint surface, treated by means of osteochondral autologous transplantation. Methods: This prospective study was conducted from June 2008 to March 2011 and involved 17 patients. The specific questionnaires of Lysholm, Kujala and Fulkerson were completed preoperatively and one year postoperatively in order to assess the affected knee, and SF-36 was used to assess these patients’ general quality of life. The nonparametric paired Wilcoxon test was used for statistical analysis on the pre and postoperative questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the SPSS for Windows software, version 16.0, and a significance level of 5% was used. Results: The Lysholm preoperative and postoperative average scores were 54.59 and 75.76 points (p < 0.05). The Fulkerson pre and postoperative average scores were 52.53 and 78.41 points (p < 0.05). Conclusions: We believe that autologous osteochondral transplantation is a good treatment method for total-thickness symptomatic chondral lesions of the joint surface of the patella

    Correlation between avascular necrosis and early stabilization of proximal femoral fractures in childhood

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    OBJETIVE: This study was developed with the main purpose of evaluating treatment results of proximal femoral fractures in a series of cases. We sought to observe the influence of the most frequent complications on the final results after a minimum follow-up of 2 years. We have especially considered the relationship between development of avascular necrosis and time between the accident and therapeutic intervention. METHOD: We retrospectively studied proximal femoral fractures in 29 patients under 14 years of age from 1988 to 2007. The following parameters were analyzed: sex, age, mechanism of injury, fracture classification (Delbet), treatment, complications (pseudoarthrosis, coxa vara, leg length discrepancy and avascular necrosis), time for surgery, and results (Ratliff). Statistical analysis was performed according to the descriptive evaluation of each parameter by using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: Five (17.2%) patients had avascular necrosis, 3 of whom (60.0%) were older than 10 years of age. Seventy-three point three percent of patients treated in the first 24 hours showed good results. The most common cause of fracture was traffic accident (44.8%). The best results were observed in patients who were treated surgically; 41.4% developed some type of complication. CONCLUSIONS: Among the 29 patients treated, 58.6% had good, 27.6% had regular and 13.8% had poor results according to Ratliff criteria. When conservative treatment was applied, only 17.0% had good results, while surgical intervention results were 69.3% good. In addition, we obtained 73.3% good results when surgery was performed within the first 24 hours and only 42.8% good results in patients submitted to surgery after this period. Patients operated in the first 24 hours developed avascular necrosis in 13.3% of cases, while 21.4% of those operated after that period developed this complication.OBJETIVO: Desenvolvemos este trabalho, com o intuito de avaliar o resultado do tratamento de pacientes portadores de fraturas do fêmur proximal, em uma série de casos. Procuramos observar a influência das complicações mais prevalentes nos resultados finais após o mínimo de dois anos de seguimento. Correlacionamos especialmente a instalação da necrose avascular e o tempo entre o acidente e a instituição da terapêutica. MÉTODOS: Estudamos, retrospectivamente, 29 pacientes com fraturas da extremidade proximal do fêmur, com idade inferior a 14 anos entre 1988 e 2007. Analisamos as seguintes variáveis: sexo, idade, mecanismo de trauma, classificação da fratura (Delbet), tratamento realizado, complicações (pseudartrose, deformidade em varo, anisomelia e necrose avascular), tempo para cirurgia e resultado (Ratliff). Obtivemos uma análise descritiva individual de cada variável. Os testes foram utilizados de acordo com a adequação das premissas de normalidade e para avaliação utilizamos o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Obtivemos cinco (17,2%) pacientes com necrose avascular sendo três (60,0%) com idade superior a 10 anos; 73,3% dos pacientes tratados nas primeiras 24 horas apresentaram bons resultados; a causa mais comum de fratura foi acidente automobilístico (44,8%); os melhores resultados foram observados nos pacientes tratados cirurgicamente; 41,4% evoluíram com algum tipo de complicação. CONCLUSÕES: Entre os 29 pacientes tratados, segundo os critérios de Ratliff, obtivemos 58,6% de bons, 27,6% de regulares e 13,8% de maus resultados. Quando aplicado o tratamento incruento, obtivemos apenas 17,0% de bons resultados, enquanto que após o tratamento cirúrgico obtivemos 69,3%. Da mesma forma, observamos que houve 73,3% de bons resultados quando a cirurgia foi realizada nas primeiras 24 horas e apenas 42,8% nos pacientes submetidos à intervenção terapêutica após este período. Pacientes submetidos à cirurgia nas primeiras 24 horas evoluíram com necrose da cabeça do fêmur em 13,3%, enquanto os que foram operados após este período tiveram esta complicação em 21,4% dos casos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Clínica da Disciplina de Ortopedia PediátricaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Disciplina de Ortopedia PediátricaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e TraumatologiaUNIFESP, EPMUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Clínica da Disciplina de Ortopedia PediátricaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Disciplina de Ortopedia PediátricaSciEL

    Anterior cruciate ligament injury: treatment and rehabilitation. Current perspectives and trends

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the procedures used by knee surgeons in Brazil for treating and rehabilitating anterior cruciate ligament injuries. METHODS: A questionnaire consisting of 21 closed questions was developed, addressing topics relating to treatment and rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The questionnaire was applied to Brazilian knee surgeons during the three days of the 42nd Brazilian Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology in 2010. RESULTS: A total of 226 surgeons filled out the questionnaire completely. The most commonly used types of graft were hamstrings tendons and the central third of the ipsilateral patellar tendon, which were used by 82.3% and 53.5% of the sample, respectively. The technique of reconstruction with a single transtibial band was the first preference and was used by 66.4% of the participants. A period of 1 to 4 weeks between injury and surgical procedure was considered ideal by most participants (52.65%). Complaints from patients that the knee was 'giving way' or unstable and presence of a positive pivot shift maneuver were the most decisive factors considered in making the decision to operate the patient. Patient satisfaction and absence of complaints of instability during the postoperative period were the criteria deemed to be most important for the surgery to be considered a success. CONCLUSIONS: There are clearly evolving trends in treating and rehabilitating the anterior cruciate ligament in Brazil. However, more prospective controlled studies are needed in order to evaluate the clinical and scientific benefits of these trends.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as condutas e procedimentos realizados pelos cirurgiões de joelho do Brasil no tratamento e reabilitação das lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior. MÉTODOS: Um questionário de 21 questões fechadas foi elaborado abordando tópicos relacionados ao tratamento e reabilitação após reconstrução do LCA. O questionário foi aplicado a cirurgiões brasileiros de joelho durante os três dias do 42º Congresso Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do ano de 2010. RESULTADOS: No total, 226 cirurgiões preencheram completamente o questionário e fizeram parte da amostra analisada. A maior parte destes era proveniente da região Sudeste do País. Os tipos de enxerto mais utilizados foram os tendões flexores e o terço central do tendão patelar ipsilateral à lesão, utilizados por 82,3% e 53,5% da amostra, respectivamente. A técnica de reconstrução com banda única transtibial é a preferida, sendo realizada por 66,4% dos participantes. O período de uma a quatro semanas entre a lesão e a realização do procedimento cirúrgico foi o considerado ideal pela maioria dos participantes (52,65%). Queixa de falseio/instabilidade do paciente e presença da manobra de pivot-shift positiva no exame físico foram os fatores considerados mais determinantes na decisão de operar o paciente. Já a satisfação do paciente e a ausência de queixas de instabilidade no pós-operatório foram os critérios julgados mais importantes para considerar a cirurgia um sucesso. CONCLUSÕES: Existem claras tendências em evolução no tratamento e reabilitação do LCA no Brasil. No entanto, mais estudos prospectivos controlados são necessários para avaliar o benefício clínico e científico destas tendências

    Introducing 3-Dimensional Stereoscopic Imaging to the Study of Musculoskeletal Anatomy

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    The stereoscopic imaging technique is an option for a more realistic understanding of what we normally see in 2 dimensions on paper or on a screen. To produce a 3-dimensional image of an object, it is necessary to register 2 different images of the same object at the same distance and height with the use of cameras that focus on one particular point. A convergence between the left and right images is required for human vision. the distance between the camera and the images necessary to create the stereo pair should be proportional to the normal distance between the pupils. Stereoscopic or polarization techniques are used to create the images, and special glasses are required to view them. in medicine, 3-dimensional images are an extremely effective resource in the study and teaching of anatomy at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels. With advancements in technology and the emergence of new diagnostic imaging techniques and innovative therapeutic modalities, 3-dimensional images can be an excellent educational tool.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ortopediae & Traumatol, BR-04038032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ortopediae & Traumatol, BR-04038032 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Ultrasonography for evaluation of hamstring tendon diameter: is it possible to predict the size of the graft?

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    ABSTRACT Objective: Perform the preoperative measurement of the hamstring tendons using ultrasound imaging, validating and correlating the measured value with that found during surgical reconstruction of the ligament. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 24 patients who underwent ultrasonographic measurement of the semitendinosus and gracilis muscle tendons and were subsequently submitted to surgical reconstruction of the ACL, with ipsilateral semitendinosus and gracilis tendon grafting. Results: The patients’ ages ranged from 16 to 43 years, with a mean of 24.8 years (SD = 8.4 years), 79.2% were men, and the distribution by side was 41.7% right knees and 58.3% left knees. A non-significant correlation coefficient was found between the area calculated by ultrasound (2 × semitendinosus area + 2 × gracilis area) and the intraoperative measurement (r = 0.16; p = 0.443). No evidence of a difference between intraoperative measurements <8 mm and ≥8 mm was found for the area calculated by the ultrasound (p = 0.746). The difference observed between the groups was −0.01 (95% CI: −0.09 to 0.07). Conclusion: Preoperative ultrasound imaging of the semitendinosus and gracilis tendons does not present a statistically significant correlation with the intraoperative measurement of the quadruple hamstring graft for ligament reconstruction

    Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament in cases of acute traumatic dislocation of the patella: current perspectives and trends in Brazil

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the approaches and procedures used by knee surgeons in Brazil for treating medial patellofemoral lesions (MPFL) of the knee in cases of acute traumatic dislocation of the patella.Materials and methodsA questionnaire comprising 15 closed questions on topics relating to treating MPFL of the knee following acute dislocation of the patella was used. It was applied to Brazilian knee surgeons during the three days of the 44th Brazilian Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology, in 2012.Results106 knee surgeons completely filled out the questionnaire and formed part of the sample analyzed. Most of them were from the southeastern region of Brazil. The majority (57%) reported that they perform fewer than five MPFL reconstruction procedures per year. Indication of non-surgical treatment after a first episode of acute dislocation of the patella was preferred and done by 93.4% of the sample. Only 9.1% of the participants reported that they had never observed postoperative complications. Intraoperative radioscopy was used routinely by 48%. The professionals who did not use this tool to determine the point of ligament fixation in the femur did not have a statistically greater number of postoperative complications than those who used it (p>0.05).ConclusionsThere are clear evolutionary trends in treatments and rehabilitation for acute dislocation of the patella due to MPFL, in Brazil. However, further prospective controlled studies are needed in order to evaluate the clinical and scientific benefit of these trends